
Jetbrains IDE’s Shortcuts

Command Description
Alt + 1 Toggle navigation menu
Esc Go to editor mode
Ctrl + Insert Create a new file or folder in the current selection
Ctrl + Shift + / Multi-line comment to the selected text
Ctrl + W + / Multi-line comment to one line without selecting
Ctrl + Shift + } Select all text within the curly braces
Ctrl + Ctrl Run anything from anywhere
Shift + Enter Create and go to a new line
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Complete the statement and go to the next line
Ctrl + Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow Multi-line cursor
Ctrl + W Increase extend selection
Ctrl + Shift + W Decrease extend selection
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Run the code opened in the editor
Shift + Ctrl + A Find action
Shift + Shift Search anywhere
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J Select all case-sensitively matching words
Alt + Left/Right Arrow Switch between open windows