
phototshop Shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Zoom In Ctrl + "+"
Zoom Out Ctrl + "-"
Zoom In (Alternative) Alt + Scroll Wheel Up
Zoom Out (Alternative) Alt + Scroll Wheel Down
Add to Selection Hold Shift while selecting
Subtract from Selection Hold Alt while selecting
Intersect with Selection Hold Shift + Alt while selecting
Fill with Foreground Color Alt + Backspace
Fill with Background Color Ctrl + Backspace
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo (Undo Undo) Ctrl + Shift + Z
Delete Layer Backspace
Select All Ctrl + A
Deselect Ctrl + D
Select Inverse Ctrl + Shift + I
Add to Selection (Marquee, Lasso, etc.) Hold Shift while selecting
Subtract from Selection (Marquee, Lasso, etc.) Hold Alt while selecting
Intersect with Selection (Marquee, Lasso, etc.) Hold Alt + Shift while selecting
Remove Checkpoint in Polygonal Lasso Selection Backspace
Full-Screen Mode and Easy Panning Press the letter “F” key
Duplicate Selection to New Layer Ctrl + J
Resize Brush Use “[” and “]” to decrease or increase the brush size
Zoom In (Alternative) Ctrl + Spacebar
Zoom Out (Alternative) Alt + Spacebar
Move Tool (Temporary) Hold Spacebar while using another tool
Brush Opacity Use number keys (1 to 9) to set the opacity of the brush
Brush Flow Use Shift + number keys (1 to 9) to set the flow of the brush
Cycle Through Blending Modes Shift + “+” / “-“ to cycle through blending modes
Toggle Layer Mask Shift + Click on the layer mask thumbnail
Merge Visible Layers Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E (Cmd + Shift + Option + E on Mac)
Toggle Rulers Ctrl + R (Cmd + R on Mac)
Show/Hide Extras Ctrl + H (Cmd + H on Mac)
Transform Selection Ctrl + T (Cmd + T on Mac)
Transform Layers Ctrl + T (Cmd + T on Mac)
Rotate View R (Hold) + Move Mouse
Cycle through Brushes , and . keys to cycle through different brushes
Swap Foreground/Background Colors X key to swap the foreground and background colors
Toggle Quick Mask Mode Q to enter or exit Quick Mask mode
Toggle Layer Visibility Click the eye icon next to a layer in the Layers panel
Toggle Lock Layer Transparency Click the checkerboard icon on a layer
Select Next Layer Ctrl + "]" (Cmd + “]” on Mac)
Select Previous Layer Ctrl + "[" (Cmd + “[” on Mac)