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Program: User Input String

In this C programming challenge, you will create a program that allows the user to input a text string. The program will utilize dynamic memory allocation to handle variable-sized input strings. Follow the requirements below:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int limit; // Get the limit of the string from the user printf("Enter the limit for the string: "); scanf("%d", &limit); // Allocate memory for the string dynamically char *inputString = (char *)malloc((limit + 1) * sizeof(char)); // Adding 1 for the null terminator // Check if memory allocation was successful if (inputString == NULL) { printf("Memory allocation failed. Exiting program.\n"); return 1; // Exit with an error code } // Prompt the user to enter the string printf("Enter the string: "); scanf(" %[^\n]", inputString); // Print the entered string printf("You entered: %s\n", inputString); // Release the dynamically allocated memory free(inputString); return 0; // Exit successfully }


  1. The program prompts the user to enter the limit for the string and reads the input using scanf.

  2. Dynamic memory is allocated for the string using malloc, taking into account the specified limit. The + 1 is for the null terminator '\0'.

  3. A check is performed to ensure that the memory allocation was successful. If not, the program exits with an error message.

  4. The user is prompted to enter the string, and scanf with the format specifier %[^\n] is used to capture the entire line of text.

  5. The entered string is then printed.

  6. Finally, the dynamically allocated memory is released using free.

This program demonstrates the use of dynamic memory allocation for handling user input strings with a flexible size limit.

If you have specific questions or if there are additional topics you'd like to explore, feel free to ask!

Last modified: 25 February 2024